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with just 5 E-BOOKS

Break free from the chains of overwhelm with Maverick Minds

Today is the day to unlock your untapped potential!

Grab our power-packed 5 E-Books for just Rs. 99/-
Empower your journey with an Expert boasting 15 years of experience in Human Resources, Soft Skills, Image Consulting, and NLP. At Maverick Minds, we transform startups, entrepreneurs, educational institutions, and corporates into resourceful powerhouses and competent leaders

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It’s Time to UPGRADE

Unleash Your Potential: Confidence is Your Gateway to Success!

Maverick Minds Shows You How!

Start your journey towards self-improvement and success today with Maverick Minds


Ashwini Dasgupta

  • With a combination of 15 years of Human Resource experience, expertise in NLP, Soft Skills, and Image Consulting, they offer entrepreneurs, startups, corporates, and educational institutes the necessary skills to become competent and resourceful individuals.
  • In their workshops and coaching sessions, innovative tools and methodologies are utilized. They create a comfortable environment through enjoyable ice-breakers and experiential activities, fostering openness and non-judgment.
  • Their approach involves inspiring, supporting, and mentoring trainees and coaches towards their goals. By nurturing their self-worth, sharing valuable knowledge, and leveraging their own experiences, they make a profound impact.


Maximize yours, with our VALUE-PACKED 



Why Maverick Minds?

Curated By Experts

Our E-Book Bundle is meticulously designed by productivity experts with years of research and hands-on experience in the field.

Value for Money

An investment that guarantees a high return in terms of productivity enhancement.

Proven Success

Backed by rave reviews across industries, our E-Book bundle enhances productivity effectively-join our satisfied customers today!

Access Anywhere, Anytime

Our E-Books are digital, meaning you can access them anytime, anywhere. Learn at your own pace, in your own space.